Thursday, July 06, 2006

Generation 4 - the Uni Years - part 1

***Simmer's note: This post will just be pictures of the kids and their stats. I am incredibly bored by the college years, so unless something spectacular happens, I will do Uni updates this way. The kids are in order by age: oldest to youngest.***

Dallas CallihanDallas Callihan - son of Carly Callihan and Ricky Cormier, twin of Danielle - Knowledge - LTW: Max Out 7 Skills - Libra: 2, 9, 2, 6, 7. (He is very close in personality to Danielle, this is the first time I've seen twins with almost identical personalities.)

Damien CallihanDamien Callihan - son of Celeste and Remington, boyfriend of uni SS member Claire Midlock - Popularity - LTW: Own 5 Top-level Businesses - Leo: 3, 10, 6, 9, 1.

Daniel CallihanDaniel Callihan - son of Celeste and Remington, heir - Fortune - Become a Hall of Famer - Gemini - 1, 10, 10, 4, 8.

Danielle CallihanDanielle Callihan - daughter of Carly Callihan and Ricky Cormier, twin of Dallas, currently in love with ServoSteve - Popularity - LTW: Become Mayor - Libra: 2, 8, 2, 6, 7. (I forgot I already had a Danielle, so I have two. The other Danielle is married to Ben Long.)

Davis GoDavis Go, son of Cade Callihan and Lauren (Reeves) Go - Knowledge - LTW: Max Out 7 Skills - Aries: 7, 9, 6, 4, 4.

Dawn CallihanDawn Callihan - daughter of Celeste and Remington, twin of Debra - Family - LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren - Libra: 3, 10, 3, 4, 9. I believe she's going through aspiration failure because Remington passed away.

Debra CallihanDebra Callihan - daughter of Celeste and Remington, twin of Dawn - Popularity - LTW: Become Mayor - Capricorn: 8, 1, 3, 10, 8.

Delaney CallihanDelaney Callihan - daughter of Caleb and Jasmyn - Pleasure - LTW: Become a Professional Party Guest - Cancer: 7, 1,6, 4, 9.

Delilah CallihanDelilah Callihan - daughter of Caleb and Jasmyn - Family - LTW: Become Captain Hero - Pisces: 5, 4, 6, 3, 9.

Dennis GoDennis Go - son of Cade Callihan and Lauren (Reeves) Go - Family - LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren - Sagittarius: 1, 1, 10, 10, 9.

Derek CallihanDerek Calllihan - son of Cam and Chris, engaged to townie Kari McCarthy - Family - LTW: Become Captain Hero - Aries: 7, 9, 6, 4, 0.

Destiny CallihanDestiny Callihan - daughter of Cam and Chris, girlfriend of townie teen Luc Pederson and Prof. Juan Baity - Romance - LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers - Aries: 7, 9, 6, 4, 0.

Dirk CallihanDirk Callihan - son of Celeste and Remington - Knowledge - LTW: Become a Criminal Mastermind - Libra: 3, 10, 3, 4, 9.

<-Cameron's Crew / Generation 4 - The Uni Years - Part 2->

Generation 4 - the Uni Years - part 2

***Simmer's note: This post will just be pictures of the kids and their stats. I am incredibly bored by the college years, so unless something spectacular happens, I will do Uni updates this way.***

Dixon CopurDixon Copur - son of Cade Callihan and townie Ivy Copur, twin of Dominique, boyfriend to townie Maura Ryan - Family - LTW: Become Captain Hero - Aries: 7, 9, 6, 4, 9.

Dmitri CallihanDimitri Callihan - son of Caleb and Jasmyn - Fortune - LTW: Become a Business Tycoon - Cancer: 7, 1, 6, 4, 9.

Dominique CopurDominique Copur - daughter of Cade Callihan and townie Ivy Copur, twin of Dixon, girlfriend to townie Randy London - Family - LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren - Cancer: 7, 1, 6, 6, 9.

Donatella CallihanDonatella Callihan - daughter of Cam and Chris, girlfriend of Prof. Vincent Wolosenko - Romance - LTW: Become a Celebrity Chef - Cancer: 7, 1, 6, 6, 9.

Dori CallihanDori Callihan - daughter of Carly Callihan and uni dormie Quinten Curtin, girlfriend of Duncan Go - Popularity - LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends - Capricorn: 8, 2, 2, 10, 7.

Douglas CalliahnDouglas Calllihan - son of Cameron and Chris, boyfriend of uni dormie Carmen Larrea - Fortune - LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind - Gemini: 7, 10, 10, 7, 1.

post makeoverDouglas Callihan - post makeover.

Duncan GoDuncan Go - son of Cade Callihan and Lauren (Reeves) Go, boyfriend of Dori Callihan - Fortune - LTW: Become a Hall of Famer - Aries: 7, 9, 6, 5, 4. (Pre-makover Randy London in the background.)

Randy LondonRandy London - Townie Teen, boyfriend of Dominique Copur - Fortune - LTW: Become Chief of Staff - Capricorn: 7, 4, 1, 8, 5.

Joy MidlockJoy Midlock - Delta Gamma Pi placeholder, uni cheerleader - Fortune - LTW: Become a Hall of Famer - Scorpio: 10, 3, 2, 4, 6.

Pricilla ReevesPricilla Reeves - daughter of Lauren (Reeves) and Pierce Go, engaged to uni dormie Derek Go - Fortune - LTW: Become a Business Tycoon - Gemini: 3, 9, 8, 2, 3.

Maura RyanMaura Ryan - townie teen, girlfriend of Dixon Copur - Knowledge - LTW: Become a Criminal Mastermind - Pisces: 5, 3, 7, 3, 7.

<-Generation 4 - The Uni Years - Part 1 ->The First Graduates Come Home

Cameron's Crew

Cameron was fairly unhappy while living with his brother and sister-in-law. Who could blame him? Caleb and Jasmyn were always running around acting like teenagers, making out, and woo-hooing all the time. He wanted to get married too. Preferably to a rich woman, but he wasn't getting any younger, so he figured he'd take what he could get.

He still had some of his inheritance money from Grandpa Aaron and Grandma Andrea, so he paid that crazy gypsy lady to help him find a date. At §5,000 a pop, one would think that the woman could find him someone spectacular, but all she could find for him were women way past their child-bearing primes. Three times he paid for a date and each time he received an elder. He was disgusted with this waste of money and vowed he could find someone better on his own.

One day, while shopping, he ran into this stunning woman named Chris. She had long black hair, and was wearing a long black evening ensemble complete with gloves and a scarf. She was something!! She even agreed because she periodically would stop whatever she was doing and check herself out in her hand mirror! Cam knew this woman had to become his so he introduced himself and offered to take her out to dinner. They had a fabulous date and she agreed that she and Cam belonged together.

They were quickly married and found a large house across the street from Jasmyn and Caleb. Cam was very close to his nieces and nephews and wanted to remain nearby.
Front of Cam's house.The front of Cam's house.
Back of Cam's house.The back.
Cam's house downstairs.The downstairs.
The upstairs.The upstairs.

Cam knew he would die before his brothers and sister. So many disappointments had prematurely aged him. He and Chris decided to start their family right away. Before long the children started arriving: Derek, Destiny, Donatella, and finally Douglas. Chris graciously consented to stay home after each child's birth so that Cam could make as much money as possible. ***IW §100,000*** After Douglas' birth, Chris was finally able to work on making her dream come true. She wanted to be a Criminal Mastermind.

Cam passed away before he could see all his children grown up, but he died a very happy and wealthy man.
Chris CalliahnChris Callihan - former Diva - Fortune - LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind - Scorpio: 5, 10, 5, 6, 0.

<-Caleb and Jasmyn / Generation 4 - The Uni Years - Part 1->

Caleb and Jasmyn

***Caleb Callihan - second son of Baxter and Prof. Cara Callihan - Knowledge - LTW: Max out 7 skills - Cancer: 7, 1, 6, 4, 9. Jasmyn Callihan - uni townie - Knowledge - LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind - Pisces: 5, 3, 7, 3, 7 ***

Caleb met Jasmyn in college. They quickly fell in love, found a small house to move into together, and became engaged. They both had the same long term goals; to know as much as possible about the sim universe. Caleb graduated a year ahead of Jasmyn, went back to Legacy, and found them a modest home. He then found himself a job and waited until Jasmyn graduated.

Jasmyn moved in with Caleb immediately after graduation and Caleb's brother, Cameron, moved in with them when he graduated to help with the bills. After Cameron moved in with them, they moved to a larger house.

Caleb and Jasmyn remained deeply in love and constantly wanted to be together. ***Simmer's note: I'm not sure how many bolts they had as adults, but as elders, they still have two for each other. This couple was the first group of knowledge sims I had ever seen that almost always had a want to woo-hoo in bed or have a baby. Because I was working for Baxter's IW of 20 grandkids, I indulged them! Tee Hee ***Danielle was born first, then Delaney, Delilah, Dmitri, and finally Donovan. All of their children are currently at uni except Donovan. He's the last of the fourth generation Callihans to leave for college.

In the meantime, Cameron was feeling like a third wheel. His brother and sister-in-law were constantly making goo-goo eyes at each other and making out like teens. He seriously wanted to marry a rich woman (or any woman for that matter), so he called up the strange gypsy woman who promised "true love." Three times he called on her to help him find a date and paid her as much as possible. Three times she sent him a different old lady. How on sim earth was he to have his own family if he didn't have a young woman to be his wife? He finally managed to run into a striking woman dressed in a long black evening gown, complete with gloves and a scarf. He wined her and dined her until she agreed to become his wife. But that's a different story.

After Cameron found his lady love, he moved out so that Caleb and Jasmyn could raise their children without him in the way.
Caleb Callihan.Caleb in his golden years.
Jasmyn Callihan.Jasmyn in hers. She is still very striking, I think.

Caleb managed to learn everything he could ***with some help from the sim-vac and their maid*** and Jasmyn reached the pinnacle of her chosen field. Jasmyn also had help getting her required skills in the same manner. One by one the children grew and left home for college. They did have to find a new house because many strange things were happening where they lived.
Front of the house.The front of the house
The back of the house.The back
The downstairsThe downstairs
The upstairsThe upstairs. There is a third floor, but it is currently empty, so I didn't take a picture of it.

Even though Donovan is still home, he's almost ready to leave too. Jasmyn and Caleb spend their free time as they always have: woo-hooing.
Donovan Callihan.Donovan Callihan - Fortune - LTW: Become a Business Tycoon - Cancer: 7, 1, 6, 4, 9.

<-Cade's Crowd / Cameron's Crew->

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cade's Crowd

Cade Callihan was a romance sim. His major goal in life was to become a Hall of Famer. He went to college to make achieving his goal easier and while there began romancing anyone who was open to his advances. He also joined Delta Gamma Pi, the Greek house his grandfather had founded.

After graduation he found his own little place on Spare Lane where he continued his romancing ways. He met a lovely lady named Lauren Reeves, one of the local pizza delivery people, through this strange gypsy lady who came to his door offering to find his "true love" for a price. Cade wasn't really looking for "true love," but if a blind date would score him some woo-hoo, then he was all for it. His funds were limited since he had just bought his house so he wasn't able to pay the gypsy lady as much as she wanted, but Lauren came hurtling from the sky anyway.
The front of Cade's house.The front of Cade's house.
The inside of Cade's house.The inside of the house.

Cade and Lauren went on their date and even though the gypsy wouldn't promise it could be successful since he had cheaped out on her, the date was just dreamy. Cade and Lauren managed to score a woo-hoo in a photo booth, and then she came home with him and woo-hooed him at home.

Soon Cade asked Lauren to move in with him. He knew he wasn't cut out to be a family guy, but he wasn't ready to give her up yet. Lauren soon became pregnant and shortly afterward gave birth to David.

Even though Lauren had given Cade a son, she knew that he was not the kind of man to stay faithful to her forever and she wanted to get married and have more children. She had a friend named Pierce Go to whom she became very close. Soon she had fallen in love with Pierce and she left Cade to marry him.

Cade felt that Lauren had only married Pierce, who was quite a bit older than she, solely for security and he continued his affair with her even after she had a little girl named Pricilla with Pierce. Cade and Lauren had three more children together, Davis, Dennis and Duncan.

Cade continued to seek out as many lovers as he could, but little David didn't like him much and needed a mother figure, so he convinced Ivy Copur to move in with him. Cade was quite a manly man and manage to impregnate Ivy as well and Ivy gave birth to twins, ? and Dominique.

After the birth of the twins, Cade took care to only seek out new lovers when Ivy was at work and the children at school, but that didn't leave him many windows of opportunity. As he grew older, he started focusing more on his children's future.

He started a home-based business selling toys and flowers and even charged people for the privilege of visiting his store and hanging out with his family. The business was quite successful and he passed it along to Dominique upon his death. Dominique was still a teen though and she really wanted to attend college, so Ivy watched after the store until Dominique could graduate and run it herself.
Side view of the houseSide view of the house.
The toy part of the business.The toy part of the business.
The flower part of the business.The flower part of the business.
Best of the Best AwardIvy's Best of the Best Award.

<-Bailey's Bunch / Caleb and Jasmyn->

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Bailey's Bunch

***Simmer's note: All houses in the Legacy neighborhood are played by NL legacy rules with the exception of having the InTeenimator installed and the use of OFB items in the satellite houses. InTeenimator is only used for the option of teens being able to woo-hoo since I feel it's more true to life. (Extra note: It will not be used to get a teen pregnant if it would give an advantage to the main family.)***

Bailey and Stephan on first date.Bailey and Stephan on their first date.

Bailey Callihan married Stephan the Delivery Man. Bailey was a driven career woman who wanted very much to become a Hall of Famer. Stephan was also driven, but he wanted to become Chief of Staff of Legacy Memorial Hospital. They decided to keep their family small so that they could focus on their chosen careers.

Before long, little Carly came along. Stephan thought knowledge was extremely important so he was the one to teach Carly how to walk, talk, and use the potty. Bailey thought connections were important so she was the one who insisted that Carly be admitted to private school. Shortly after Carly became a student at Legacy Preparatory, Bailey was eaten by her brother's cowplant. ***Simmers note: No one (That's right not one sim) grieved for Bailey when she was eaten by the cowplant. Carly has no memory of Bailey's death, so I'm not really too sure when it actually happened. For story purposes, I have Carly still being a little girl and the death of her mother causing her to turn to men for comfort.***

Stephan was so focused on reaching the top of the hospital food chain, that little Carly was closer to her nanny than she was to her own father. When Carly became a teenager, she was missing both her mother's love and her father's attention, so she sought love the only way she could think of: from other men.

She met a cute young man at school named Ricky Cormier and she knew that she and Ricky were destined to become lovers. They dated all through high school and continue their love affair through college as well. Make no mistake though, Ricky was not a one woman (or man for that matter) man. Carly didn't care that Ricky wasn't entirely faithful to her as long as she didn't know about it. In all honesty, she didn't have the right to be jealous, because she was also out romancing anyone who would succumb to her charms.

After graduation, Carly moved back to her family home and Ricky found his own place on Satellite Avenue. Although they lived in separate houses, Carly and Ricky spent a lot of time together. Carly continued to seek companionship from other people, but Ricky was her one true love.

Stephan was still totally focused on reaching the top of his career and he had added a new obsession. He wanted to be an inventor. After he had absorbed as much knowledge as possible, he started working on building robots. He started off building a robot that would help clean up the house. Then he built one that would water the plants. Next he discovered he could build a robot that would guard the house from intruders and those pesky people who would not stop knocking over the trash and stealing the newspaper. After he invented the sentry-bot, he built a robot that could sense when someone in the family was close to starvation and would go for pizza or Chinese food. His masterpiece, however, was a robot that functioned just like a human. Except for having babies. He named his latest creation ServoSteve. Stephan built ServoSteve to be just like him, a seeker of knowledge.

Sentrybot zaps someone.This is the sentry-bot zapping someone who was trying to steal the newspaper.

While Stephan was puttering around in his workshop building his robots, Carly became more and more distant with him. She was always mad at him about something. ***I have no idea why, but they ended up shoving each other all the time and eventually became enemies.*** Ricky was over more than ever. One day, Carly woke up feeling like crap. She was dizzy and she immediately ran to empty her stomach after eating. She thought that maybe all the stress from fighting with her dad was finally starting to get to her. She thought wrong. Something had happened one time when she was woo-hooing with Ricky and now she was pregnant with his child. She loved Ricky, but she knew that he didn't want to be a family man so she continued to live her life the way that she always had.

The time for the baby to be born had finally come and to Carly's great surprise, she had twins! A boy named Dallas and a girl named Danielle. Stephan was a much better grandfather than he had been a father. Carly taught both the twins how to walk and Danielle how to potty, and Stephan taught them the rest of their toddler skills.

The years flew by and the twins grew into children. Carly continued her wild ways. She had taken up with the brother of one of her old college friends, Quinten Curtin. To her dismay, safe sex isn't always a safe as a Romance sim would want it to be. ***This was a genetic experiment. I wanted to see what color eyes the baby would have. Quinten's are a bright blue.*** Soon little Dori was born.

After Dori's birth, Carly became tired of being a single parent and she really wanted to marry Ricky. ***This was the first time I had ever seen a romance sim roll up a want to get married.*** They were married at Carly's family home with their children present. The years continued to quickly pass and the twins grew into attractive teens and then Dori became a teen as well. Dallas wanted to be very knowledgeable like his grandfather, Danielle wanted to be well-liked, and Dori wanted to love as many people as possible. Stephan passed away. Carly and Ricky are now empty-nesters, waiting for their children to graduate from college and come home.

The front of Carly's house.This is the front of Carly's and Ricky's house. The elder in the picture is Carly.
The back of Carly's house.This the back view of Carly's and Ricky's house.
The inside of Carly's house.This is the inside of Carly's and Ricky's house.

<-Baxter's Brood / Cade's Crowd->